About Could be Branches, Could be Bones with Planets and Beams of Light Forming, Radiating, Dissolving into Parts of a Painting:
A nature inspired, imagined outer space scene. A large scale piece, pushing and pulling moments of marks through translucent or over muted, solid colour. The surface has a very dry texture to it and it sounds like sandpaper on paper when you touch it. It doesn’t feel/ sound like how it looks which is oddly pleasant. This is an improvised piece and looks compositionally cramped but play, experiment and chance ways forward took preference over perfection. The unusual, non Fine Art canon, low-brow and sub-conscious influences for this piece were:
1. A vintage style anatomical (‘L’Anatomie’) poster by Cavillini Papers & Co. Inc. (artist unknown) I’ve had since I was in my 1st year of university since buying it from a local fashion designer’s store . The pale colour of the depicted bones, some orangey parts of tissue/flesh and the stark void background is in my latest piece too.
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