Drone Day 2022
Drone Day 2022

” SENSA is proud to be taking part in Drone Day 2023. To listen to our livestream, either visit our giss.tv site or Grey Clay Radio at www.greyclayradio.com.

A live event will take place at The Obscene Parrot in Observatory in Cape Town, South Africa. Attendees will be able to listen to the livestream from around 11h00 in the morning at the venue. A live performance will follow, starting at 18h00 and continuing until about 23h00.

Once we have streamed the livestream we’ll update this page and you’ll be able to read more about our participation in Drone Day 2023, as well as the artists who have collaborated with us here, live and onlne, or have a listen to our submissions below. You can also check our events page to have a listen to previous Drone Day contributions.


SENSA, The Sonic Exploration Network of Southern Africa, is a platform for exploratory music and sound art. Through our online hub, live events, workshops, collaborative partnerships, releases and so forth, we seek to cultivate a regional community of practitioners of experimental, improvisational and otherwise avant-garde forms of sonic expression, with a focus on creating a supporting, nurturing environment, as well as increased public exposure, for alternative forms of musical creativity.”


Artists' Statement

i didn’t think i could be cursed is a collaborative sound work I’ve done with my partner and artist, helo samo, under the name “Botrytis”, for this year’s Drone Day event, which is happening today, May 28th 2022 – the same day as the IASAS Synesthesia and the Student online Symposium. SenSA (Sonic Exploration Network South Africa) is creating a compilation of participating musicians that will be livestreamed on Hamshack Radio and is available on their bandcamp.

samo and I created a collaborative artwork for our sound work using vegan acrylic paint on wood board. It has the same title as the track.

If you like drone metal & post metal, this one’s for you. You’re welcome to download the Botrytis track from our bandcamp.

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